Sunday, March 8, 2009

Children-Khalil Gibran (Others piece)

This is a poem by the third best poet in the world..Khalil Gibran. I don't particularly like poetry, but this poem got my attention by how thoroughly Khalil thought about what he wrote about in it. Its deep. Enjoy.

Raising Baby Bigots Writeing piece (SS piece)

I think that if Bill Whattcott is against gay people, thats fine. But I do not think he should go around making anti-gay conventions or activities. He can think whatever he wants to think but he shouldent try to make other people anti-gay or racist as well. Bill thinks that neo-nazi speaches should be allowed, if they arent "advocating imminent murder". I think if the speach, in any way, is racist, or trys to make other people racists, it should be very illegal. Lastly, I do not belice that parents should be allowed to send their children to school with nazi symbols and pro Hitler statements on their bodies, they shouldent even be allowed to provoke racism or hate to their child. Since the child was taken away from them, I think justice was served.

This is somthing i wrote based on an article "Raising Baby Bigots" by Gabrielle Giroday and Mike McIntyre. This is a link to the article.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Now That You are Stuck, What do you do? (Others piece)

These are some notes we took in class about what to do if you are stuck while reading a book. Hope it helps.

1. Listen to your inner voice. Your conversation voice talks back to the words on the page. Your reciting voice only says the words, and you become confused or board.

2. Turn on the camera in your head. Good readers have a playing in their head as they read.

3. Catch yourself if your mind begins to wonder. Thinking about something else is a signal to reconnect to the reading.

4. If you can’t remember what you’ve read, it is a signal to go back and repair meaning.

5. Ask questions to clarify meaning. If you can’t answer them, you need more background knowledge, or you need to focus on the text.

6. If you encounter a character, and have no recollection of who they are, it is a signal that you were not paying attention. You need to repair something that has caused meaning to break down.

Political Platforms of the Partys (SS piece)

This is a list of all 5 major political parties of Canada, along with the names of each party's leader and five platforms that each party has. I hope by reading this, you will understand the goals of each party a little better.

Leader: Stephen Harper

Leader: Michael Ignatieff

Leader: Jack Layton

Block Quebecois
Leader: Gilles Duceppe

Green Party
Leader: Elizabeth May

Conservative Platform:
- Increasing Aerospace, defense and automotive Budgets by $200 million, in the next four years, to give Canada a cutting edge in these areas.
-Supporting Manufacturing investments by cutting down tariffs on imported machinery and equipment.
-Paying a taxable grant to apprentices, to help them in their first two years of education.
-Will increases penalties for environmental crimes.
-Allowing families to split their income taxes , when one spouse is not full time , so he or she can help a disabled family member.
Liberal platform:
-Lowering small business taxes to make them more competitive
-Lowering corporate taxes to make Canada more competitive in the global economy.
-Making disability income tax refundable.
-Increasing farmers control over the Canadian wheat board.
-Investing $70 billion in infrastructure, in 10 years.
NDP platform:
-Annual federal tax reduction of $20,000 for the income earned by copyright.
-Providing enough funds for CBC and radio Canada to be secure.
-Reversing Mr. Harper’s $40 million cutback to culture.
-Introducing $2.5 billion funds over 4 years to families with seniors to help them to care for seniors in their home.
-Creating 150,000 new child care spaces.
Green party platform:
-Helping small businesses, by green venture capital funds and changes in taxing.
-Renegotiating North American Free Trade Agreement.
-Supporting family farms.
-Supporting production and use of organic Canadian products.
-Increasing knowledge to protect local fish stocks.
Block party platform:
-Using military for peacekeeping rather than combat missions.
-Asking for increase in federal transfers without conditions attached.
-Spending more money on affordable housing.
-Abolition of GST.
-Not participating in wars that violates the international laws.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Picture Story (ELA piece)

This was a story I wrote based on a set of slides shown in class. I tried to link them together and make them flow as best I could.. enjoy. :)

One mid summer day, a seemingly old hotel stood in a crowd of bushes and flowers. The garbage can covered in green. Everything about the hotel was green, except the windows and the main color.
A blond girl, with a brown mustache and goatee, make up splashed randomly on her face. She walked slowly towards the hotel, her hair flowing in the wind.
Her purse was filled with money, lots of money. As she walked into the hotel, all of the guys looked up and gazed at her.
One of the guys who had funky mustache and a blue – black hat walked to her. " Hey" he said. She replied " hey’.
The guy’s friend mumbled " Hi" blushing very obviously, he had a Mohawk and a guitar in his hand. "Lets hear you play" said the girl. "No" he said.
Days passed, and the three of them became very good friends and decided to go back to the girls house. Her house was very far, overseas, so they had to board a stinky plane.
After a while, when they were on the plane she got very thirsty and asked for water, but the flight attendant would not come out or pay attention to her. Finally, two flight attendants came out and greeted each other with their secret handshake.
"Oy!! get me some water" she yelled to the flight attendant. "Coming up" replied one of them. As she drank the water, she started to choke, and fell to the floor of the plane. One of the passengers said "I am a doctor" and ran towards her but it was too late. He shook his head and placed his finger on her neck.
The next day at her funeral, was a perfect day, the sun was out, the clouds high in the sky. Too bad something that horrible happened on such a good day.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Government in our Lives (SS piece)

I chose to put this up because I enjoyed doing this project a lot, I got to walk around taking pictures of things for about half a day :P. I also got a good mark on it!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why Do Human Beings Constantly "Push Thier Luck"? (ELA piece)

I think that humans constantly push their luck because naturally we want more. For example, if a person goes to a casino and gambles, there is a high chance that they will gamble the money they made some other time. Also, in a lot of game shows on the television, people can take $500,000 without risk,or go for the $1000,000 prize but risk everything they have already won. If people didn’t push their luck and were happy with what they have at their current stage and didn’t put it up for loss just for more money, they would have a lot more.
Not all people always push their luck, some few people accept what they have and don’t risk any of it for anything. Personally, I believe that risking a lot or everything is stupid and definitely not worth it because I know if I lose big , definitely I will want to get it all back and then may be I will lose more money trying to win the money I lost back. So it is better to not gamble a lot at all.
In conclusion, I think that if people want to make money or risk something for more, they should not risk anything that they are afraid to lose. As hard as it may seem, the result would most likely be more money in your wallet.

I chose this piece because all of the points I made are true and very obvious, emphasizing the topic of the write-up "Why do humans push their luck?" and that makes it a lot better.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pearl (ELA piece)

I chose this piece because it is one of my best assignments this year, so far. I did some research on the cities mentioned in my story and some of the characters mentioned also.