Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why Do Human Beings Constantly "Push Thier Luck"? (ELA piece)

I think that humans constantly push their luck because naturally we want more. For example, if a person goes to a casino and gambles, there is a high chance that they will gamble the money they made some other time. Also, in a lot of game shows on the television, people can take $500,000 without risk,or go for the $1000,000 prize but risk everything they have already won. If people didn’t push their luck and were happy with what they have at their current stage and didn’t put it up for loss just for more money, they would have a lot more.
Not all people always push their luck, some few people accept what they have and don’t risk any of it for anything. Personally, I believe that risking a lot or everything is stupid and definitely not worth it because I know if I lose big , definitely I will want to get it all back and then may be I will lose more money trying to win the money I lost back. So it is better to not gamble a lot at all.
In conclusion, I think that if people want to make money or risk something for more, they should not risk anything that they are afraid to lose. As hard as it may seem, the result would most likely be more money in your wallet.

I chose this piece because all of the points I made are true and very obvious, emphasizing the topic of the write-up "Why do humans push their luck?" and that makes it a lot better.

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