Leader: Stephen Harper
Conservative Platform:
- Increasing Aerospace, defense and automotive Budgets by $200 million, in the next four years, to give Canada a cutting edge in these areas.
-Supporting Manufacturing investments by cutting down tariffs on imported machinery and equipment.
-Paying a taxable grant to apprentices, to help them in their first two years of education.
-Will increases penalties for environmental crimes.
-Allowing families to split their income taxes , when one spouse is not full time , so he or she can help a disabled family member.
Liberal platform:
-Lowering small business taxes to make them more competitive
-Lowering corporate taxes to make Canada more competitive in the global economy.
-Making disability income tax refundable.
-Increasing farmers control over the Canadian wheat board.
-Investing $70 billion in infrastructure, in 10 years.
NDP platform:
-Annual federal tax reduction of $20,000 for the income earned by copyright.
-Providing enough funds for CBC and radio Canada to be secure.
-Reversing Mr. Harper’s $40 million cutback to culture.
-Introducing $2.5 billion funds over 4 years to families with seniors to help them to care for seniors in their home.
-Creating 150,000 new child care spaces.
Green party platform:
-Helping small businesses, by green venture capital funds and changes in taxing.
-Renegotiating North American Free Trade Agreement.
-Supporting family farms.
-Supporting production and use of organic Canadian products.
-Increasing knowledge to protect local fish stocks.
Block party platform:
-Using military for peacekeeping rather than combat missions.
-Asking for increase in federal transfers without conditions attached.
-Spending more money on affordable housing.
-Abolition of GST.
-Not participating in wars that violates the international laws.
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